

The Royal Wootton Bassett Poppy Memorial

Project Managed by Murray Barton of Bartons Building

Poppy Memorial by Mark Humphrey

Recently Royal Wootton Bassett received a beautiful gift of a marble sculpture of a Poppy, in gratitude for the way in which the town showed honoured to the repatriated personnel. 

The Poppy, called ‘Forever’ is situated at the junction of Marlowe Way, and has been sculptured in Carrara marble.  It is the creation of International award-winning sculptor, Mark Humphreys who was born and grew up in Wiltshire, He felt he wanted to make this gift to the town for the way in which people showed honour and respect to those personnel who were repatriated through Royal Wootton Bassett.  It is also a memorial for all those who served in these conflicts.

Murray Barton: "I was very honored to be invited to project manage the Royal Wootton Bassett Poppy Memorial Project last year. As an ex-serviceman it was a honour to be involved. Many thanks again to all those that supported the project."

The photos below show different stages of the project.

See also a thank-you letter from Councillor Ian Ferries, Mayor of Royal Wootton Bassett


Setting out/shuttering
Setting out / shuttering
Landscaping / turfing

Thanks to the Mayor
Mayor of Royal Wootton Bassett, Cllr Ian Ferries called in some support from vintage fire engine owner and friend to provide water for the clean-up as no mains on site. Thanks for the bail out!
Arrival of Plinth
Arrival of stainless steel plinth ring. A Massive thankyou to Hams Transport for free collection and delivery, and to the local police force, particularly PCSO Andrea Hector and Sgt Donna West, for making the collection and delivery possible. Due to the size of the plinth special road closures and police assistance was a necessity.

Mark Humphries
Left to right: Visionary artist, Mark Humphries - myself - Nico gifted sculptor from Italy.
Shaking hands
Left to right: Murray - Monty the gundog - Robert Cavelle MD Heritage Restorations Ltd.

Poppy in Blue Light
Lighting test - late night for all.

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